This is my first book I've read in a while. It's called "Action! Nothing Happens Until Something Moves" - Robert Ringer. I'm about 1/2 way through the book, and I'm learning some things here and there. Such as, success is action biased, and you always have a choice of at least doing something or nothing.
There's a couple really good points that I wanted to jot down. First, I have not developed tactfulness to the extent that I want it to be. In the book, he states a lot of references to Christianity, which I was very put off by because of the way he explained some things. However, I almost put down the book because of it. Instead, I stuck it through and learned more about the tact that I lack :) Basically, I use very powerful negative words with other people, and I need to use words less as a whip to sting people with, and more like a harp to soothe people with. If someone says something wrong, don't point it out and expose them, especially if it's something minor. If it's something important, gently coax them the right way, because jerking them to move will put up all kinds of resistance.
Second, I forget :P. I'll put it up when I remember, and I'll probably have a couple other points to write about when I finish the book.