April 04, 2005

first kayak trip in a LONG time

I had my first kayak trip for a long time. I didn't go to a roll session or lead a trip because I hurt my wrist in snow football during the OP leadership retreat in PA. Antietam was running at 4.1ft in the beginning of the day and ended at 5.4 ft because it was raining all day. All the rapids were pretty much flushed out and the dam was running way high. There was only one good wave on the left side of the dam, and I got some side surfing as well as an ender.
It was such a tiring trip because you needed to paddle hard to get upstream back to the dam and it to way way too much effort. Overall, it was a good trip. good thing we went for the takeout at burnside bridge.
Even though it was such a shitty day, and the water was running way too high, it was very fun. I got to get away from my work, enjoy the atmosphere, and focus completely on the river, the animals, the sound of geese, the cold splash of water spraying onto my face, and the feeling that while I'm in control, the river ultimately has the last say in what I do.
Will took some pretty good pictures. It's a great idea to get a camera to do photos. I'm going to get a camera so then I can get my own photos.


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