October 08, 2005

psychic predictions

I've always been curious about supernatural phenomena, super human abilities, paranormal activities, etc. I'm not sure exactly why, because I've never really seen anything in my lifetime that suggests the presence of ghosts or spirits, but I do believe I have psychic powers.

During one of the breaks in my real estate agent license class, we discussed psychics and I mentioned that I wanted to go see a good psychic. One of the people in the class recommended a psychic she's been seeing for years. The psychic's name was Bessie.

I went to see Bessie with Dave on Wednesday, Oct 5th, 2005 at Pete's Restaurant in Curtis Bay, MD, near Glen Burnie. I went, not really knowing what to expect. Dave got his reading first, and it was pretty much dead on. The interesting insights I gained were that he was one of five children, always has a $ when he goes into something, very impatient, needs to watch out when he's driving, and his new venture will have two other partners and he should watch out for one of them that's kinda sneaky.

Then it was my turn.

She told me right away that I'm going to move and it would be permanent. I was starting a business, and had mixed feelings about it, even though I was going to make really good money. She said that money wasn't the most important thing in my life, that being successful was, and that I would be successful. I was growing farther away from my family and friends, and oddly enough she said to stay away from my old friends from the past, that they'd be a bad influence on me. She said that I've come a long way, and still have a lot to go and do. I'd be traveling a lot in my future, and would eventually end up in California, while still having operations going on in Maryland.

As far as business, my real estate ventures would make me very wealthy, and that I would have successful ventures in production, and design. As she said that, her voice became stronger and proclaimed that I have a God given gift that I haven't used yet. That she saw everyone recognized my previously hidden talent for designing. She mentioned that I would meet a girl in 4-5 months that I would end up with for the rest of my life. She was part American Indian, and we would meet at this event and start talking without anyone introducing us. We would have five kids, and that I would never divorce under any circumstances. She mentioned my knees being weak and that I should watch my balance.

All in all, it was an interesting experience to say the least. Now that I have some sort of guage to work against, it makes me wonder about my destiny and how everything fits into place. Do I work towards a destiny that I create, or is it all just some sort of puzzle where all my actions and experiences sum up to one small piece?


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