June 22, 2005

18 days later..

So it was about 18 days ago that I moved back into my house. I bought plane tickets to China, so there's no turning back. I'm leaving July 12th, and I have no clue what to expect. I'll need to get a Learn Chinese program to prep me for China, luggage, travel bag, camera, etc. etc.
I've also read through and implemented David Allen's Personal Organizational System. It seems to be working quite well so far. I've only used it for about 10 days, but I'm getting very productive, and seem to forget things a lot less. I need to make some tweaks to include priorities and then I'll be set. The tickler file I'll set up today.
I've set up a tickler file type system for leads handling. I'll need to continuously tweak it until it works just the way I want it, and Brad uses it.
As far as equipment, I've purchased folders, post it notes, paper stacking trays, a file cabinet, and a new printer.
The printer will allow direct mail to be sent out without any hiccups.
All the other stuff is to keep everything more organized.
DSL will be in July 5th, which is when I come back from my trip with Dave.
I'll give ~weekly updates on how the personal and leads organizational systems work.


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