October 09, 2005

job vs. school

It seems that everyone I know is either working or going to grad school. It seems the people in grad school are much busier with their lives than those working. I have proposed that people try to expand or shrink to their immediate time demands.

With a job, you will have more free time on the weekends, you're making money, and the stuff you learn is somewhat useful for your career. With grad school, you have less free time, you're paying for your education, hopefully learning something that somewhat relates to what you'll do, but the big bonus is that you delay real life for a year, and you get more opportunities to chill with people of similar interests and age.

I think it's interesting how people view what they're doing compared to what they perceive what their friends doing different stuff are doing.

However, when I go to grad school to study an MBA, I think it will be a nice change of pace, and I'll be at a time where I can relate to other MBA's. But we'll see if I'm bitching like everyone else when I get there.


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